
Interrogative pronouns

You can use these types of pronouns to ask for information. Here are a few:

The -k added on serves as the plural (with the exception of melyik). For words like mi and ki, if you expect the answer to be multiple, you can say the plural version, otherwise there is nothing wrong with asking the singular to receive a plural answer.

The accusative can be added onto some of these pronouns when asking for the direct object.


Alex: Holnap van egy vizsgám - (I have an exam tomorrow)

Barnabás: Milyen vizsga? - (What kind of exam?)

Alex: Matek, remélem, hogy jó lesz! - (Maths, I hope it will be good!)

Relative pronouns

These question starters can be used as relative pronouns. Relative pronouns refer to something else and are made by adding a-.

Likewise, as we have added the plural, we can do the same with the accusative.


Challenge! üres

Kiderült, nem én voltam az első, aki erre rátalált. (Original image, merging free images together)

It turned out I was not the first to discover this.

Demonstrative Pronouns - This & That

Demonstrative pronouns are those that point to something via context. For example, in English we have this and that to represent something near and far respectively. In Hungarian it’s the same kind of deal with a few changes, here are some examples:

Example Near Far
What? Which? Who? Ez Az
Where? Itt Ott
How? Így Úgy
What kind of? Ilyen Olyan
How much? Ennyi Annyi
Something like what? Ilyesmi Olyasmi
Home Itthon Otthon

The accusative, plural and other things have been omitted for simplicity, naturally there are much more examples out there as well.

Near-version Examples

Far-version Examples

Alex: Na, mi a baj? - (What’s the problem?)

Barnabás: Az a baj, hogy összetörtem az egyik vázát! - ( The problem is that I broke one of the vases!)

Alex: Jajj ne!

Yet to Learn